On March 23, 2012 the Citizens for Responsibility and
Ethics in Washington said it’s not what’s illegal for Congress to do but what’s
legally allowed: nepotism – 82 Congressmen hired family members for their
campaigns, some family members loan money to the running candidates and charge
18% interest for the loans, they funnel money to places where their family
works and spend campaign money on pleasure trips and more.
Politicususa article of August 3, 2012 pointed
out that John Boehner asserted a few months ago that immediate approval of
TransCanada’s KeystoneXL pipeline would create “hundreds-of-thousands of jobs”.
This statement was found to be a blatant
lie over and over again and with the
sole intention of boosting profits for Canadian tar sand companies. In 2010
Boehner bought shares in 7 tar sand companies ahead of the Republican push for
President Obama to give immediate approval of the pipeline’s construction but
threat of a Securities Exchange Commission investigation and admission from TransCanada revealed
a much lower number of jobs. Subsequently, Boehner admitted he lied to profit tar sand
companies and backed off` his deceptive job number claims amid
calls for his resignation. However, bad habits die hard and Boehner reverted to
his 2-year claim that raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans is detrimental
to job creators. After years of Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthy, the
so-called job creators have not shared the largesse of middle class taxpayers
and created jobs and in fact are hoarding their money offshore brought to light
by presumptive Republican presidential candidate Willard (Mitt) Romney’s Cayman
Island and Swedish tax havens.
Republicans are well-practiced in the art of lying to
influence public opinion for their favorite and profitable agendas. But, swearing allegiance to
lobbyist Norquist whose sworn intent is “drowning
the government” makes their determination clear; eliminate our constitutional
form of government by defunding it.
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