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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Ryan's Ethics

When Paul Ryan spoke on August 29, 2012 I didn’t listen - I have no respect for the man; it seems everything he says contradicts his voting record and/or the true purpose of his actions. It was reported Ryan said “With all their attack ads the President is just throwing away money and he’s pretty experienced at that”. If you check Ryan’s voting record you’ll find a majority of the bills (wars and associated programs e.g. Homeland Security) he voted for were unfunded and took money from Intra-governmental debt–money held that has a claim on future resources (money from programs like Social Security and Medicare). Ryan can fund wars from these accounts but not health care which is at least related. He also voted for all the stimulus programs he now says is–throwing away money. And, though he voted against legalizing medical marijuana in both 2005 and 2007 he on September 7 said the feds shouldn’t interfere with states that have such programs; he’s an Etch-a-Sketch man like Romney. 
The US had 3 charges of corruption (Grant, Harding & Richard Nixon) during Republican rule and they used to prosecute their own (Coolidge prosecuted Harding’s corruption). The Republican Party appeared to change direction when Ford pardoned Nixon for the Watergate scandals. Ryan was an ardent defender of Republican Tom DeLay who was convicted in November 2010 of money laundering; he had to deal with the fallout of his ties to lobbyist Jack Abramoff who pled guilty to charges of fraud, tax evasion and conspiracy to bribe public officials-this investigation led to the conviction of 21 Republicans; voted ‘No’ September 15, 2009 on the Resolution of Disapproval of Representative Joe Wilson's Conduct (it was approved and Wilson did apologize) resulting from the Republican’s outburst "You lie!” on September 9, 2009 when Obama was addressing a joint session of Congress; March 2012 when General Dempsey was presenting the defense budget that was kept under the limits passed by Congress, Ryan made comments that appeared to call the Joint Chiefs of Staff liars (he did apologize as several fact-checking organizations said both the Wilson and Ryan views were inaccurate) and on March 11, 2008 he voted ‘No” on HRes 1031-Establishment of the Office of Congressional Ethics within the House. In my opinion, if Ryan gets into a position of power he’s more dangerous than Romney. Americans need to stop believing a man who sides with his cohorts over ethics and is continually deceitful.

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