In response to
Romney’s comments in the October 3, 2012 debate CNN Opinion on October 6, 2012
had an article written by Van Jones (the
President's 2009 green jobs advisor who oversaw
the administration's efforts) that said Mitt
Romney after first noting that $90 billion went to the "green energy
world," Romney followed up with "don't forget... you put $90 billion
-- like 50 years worth of breaks -- into solar and wind." The actual number was more like $21 billion (about 23%
of the number quoted by Romney). The larger number refers to all of the
investments in the 2009 stimulus package that the administration designated
"green" in any way. The number included $6 billion for advanced
batteries to make electric cars possible, $29 billion for energy efficiency and
home retrofits, $3 billion for job training, and even $18 billion for transit
and high speed rail. To pretend that all of that money went to solar and wind
companies is ludicrous. Worse, Romney alleged that the administration picked
only "losers." False.
First of all, many of
these initiatives began under President George W. Bush, including some of the
loan guarantee programs Romney likes to attack. With the exception of Solyndra
the track record for renewable energy
investments is strong. In fact, the failure rate is lower than Congress
anticipated when they created these programs -- and, while we're on the topic, higher than Romney's 80% success rate at Bain Capital.
CNN Fact Check: Are half of
green energy firms funded by stimulus out of business? The Bureau of Labor Statistics says that there are
3.1 million green jobs in the United States right now. Today, there are 75,000
Americans employed in the wind energy business alone, compared with
81,000 coal miners. Today, the top three clean-tech states each employ more
people in green jobs than the coal industry does nationwide. Romney is willing
to jeopardize those jobs by arguing for killing the wind energy tax credit --
while refusing to end subsidies and supports for the fossil fuel
industry. By the way: Regulations that place more stringent public health
standards on coal mining have actually created more jobs in coal mining
industry, thanks to EPA. Even if the number of miners goes down at some point,
I would blame dynamite, not government
regulations. More and more, "mountaintop removal" is the standard
practice for coal companies, and simply blowing up a mountain to scrape the
coal out requires fewer workers.
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