October 22, 2012 presidential debate was with moderator Bob Schieffer of CBS
news who announced it was the 50th anniversary of Kennedy announcing
the Cuban missile crisis. The first question was what happened in Libya and the
Middle East. Romney gave a general description of the area, congratulated the
President for going after Bin Laden and Al Qaeda and said – we can’t kill our
way out of this mess, we have to put together a comprehensive and robust
strategy to help the world of Islam and other parts of the world to reject this
radical violent extremism. The President said – his job as Commander-in-Chief
is to keep Americans safe and that’s what we’ve done in the last 4 years; we
went after those that killed us on 9/11, ended the war in Iraq and are helping
Afghanistan to be responsible for itself - that allows us to rebuild
allegiances around the world to combat future threats. In regard to what
happened in Libya he restated what was said in the previous debate and went on
to say that for the cost of 2 weeks in Iraq we liberated the 40-year
dictatorship of a country and despite the tragedy there were 10s of thousands
of Libyans marching in support of America and that represents an opportunity we
have to take advantage of; Obama said he was glad that Romney agreed that we
have been successful in going after Al Qaeda but stated Romney’s previous
positions would not have kept Americans safe or built opportunities in the
Middle East. Romney said – his strategy is straightforward, go after the bad
guys, do our best to interrupt or kill them but my strategy is broader than
that and the key is to get the Muslim world to reject them on its own; the
right course for us is to go after the leaders of the countries that are
anti-American; he said a group of Arab scholars went to the UN and said – 1) in
a coordinated effort we, along with our friends, should key foreign aid to
economic development, 2) education, 3) gender equality, 4) the rule of law – we
have to help them create civil societies. He said it is nice Libya is
making progress but right next door is Egypt, northern Mali was just taken over
by Al Qaeda, Syria is killing their own people, (Bob tried to interrupt) but
Romney added Iran.
Romney said we should go after anti-American
countries. In the past he’s slammed our support of the UN and now touts a UN
Arab proposal. How can we help others create a civil society when we don’t lead
by example-in July a report said the US has
averaged 2 mass murders a year for the past 15 years; by October 18 more
people were killed in
Chicago this year than in Afghanistan. I did not like the implication that Egypt’s
Muslim Brotherhood President is bad; they been supportive of us so far. Mali achieved independence in 1960, had a coup in
1991 that led to a new constitution and the establishment of a democratic
multi-party state; March 22, 2012 a group of soldiers seized control and
declared the government dissolved and its constitution suspended; April 6 rebels from
the National Movement for
the Liberation of Azawad declared the secession of a new state
however they were sidelined by Islamist groups associated with Al-Qaeda and dropped
their demands; an interim government led by former Prime Minister Traore plans
to re-take the north with international assistance and hold long-delayed
national elections-Romney keeps blowing things way out of proportion.
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