In closing
the October 22, 2012 debate Mitt Romney said – I’m optimistic about our future,
I’m excited about our prospects as a nation, I want to see growing peace in
this country – it’s our objective, we have a real opportunity to have real
leadership, America is going to continue to have that leadership and promote
principles of peace that will make the world a safer place and make this country
more confident that their future is secure, I also want to make sure to get
this economy going and there are two very different paths the country can take
– one is a path represented by the President which at the end of 4 years would
mean that we will have $20 trillion in debt, heading toward Greece, I’ll get us
on track for a balanced budget; the President’s path means continuing declining
in take home pay, I want to make sure that our take home pay turns around and
starts to grow, the President’s path means 20 million people out of work
struggling for a job, I’ll get people back to work with 12 million new jobs,
I’m going make sure we get people off food stamps not by cutting the program
but by getting them good jobs; America is going to come back but for that to
happen we’re going to have to have a President who can work across the aisle, I
was in a state where my legislature was 87% Democrat, I learned how to get
along on the other side of the aisle, we got to do that in Washington,
Washington is broken, I know what it takes to get this country back, we’ll work
with good Democrats and good Republicans to do that, this nation is the hope of
the earth, we’ve been blessed by having a nation that is free and prosperous
thanks to the contributions of the greatest generation, they held a torch for
the world to see, a torch of freedom and hope and opportunity and now it’s our
turn to take that torch, I’m convinced we’ll do it, we need strong leadership,
I’d like to be that leader with your support, I’ll work with you, I’ll lead you
in an open and honest way.
In Romney’s
Republican Convention address he said everyone would get a job-yet he only
promises to get 12 million employed will you be part of the 11 million that
remain without a job and left on food stamps. Also, remember that business
already said that they’d hire AFTER the election so what is he really doing for
you. For a man who doesn’t like being attacked I found his message mostly just
that – attacking. Even in this statement he had to point toward Greece – how
can he handle foreign policy if every speech harms another country. George
Washington said “Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.” Romney is right in that it’s our turn to be great but to do
so we have to recognize that he has no platform that is truly supportive of the
average American or our Constitution.
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