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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Romney on the Public's Misperception

The last question, #12, in the October 16, 2012 debate was – what is the biggest misperception that the American people have about you as a man and a candidate. Mitt Romney said – in the nature of a campaign some people are focused on attacking a person instead of prescribing what they’d like to do; I think the President’s campaign has tried to characterize me for something other than what I am; I care about 100% of the American people and want 100% to have a bright and prosperous future; I care about our kids; I spent my life in the private sector not a career in government; I’m the guy that wants to help with the experience I have; my passion probably flows from my belief in God - we’re all children of the same God and we have a responsibility to help one another; I served as a missionary for my church and a pastor of my congregation for about 10 years; I’ve sat across the table with people who were out of work and tried to help them find new work; I went to the Olympics when they were in trouble to get them on track; as Governor of my state I was able to get 100% of my people insured – all my kids and about 98% of the adults and I was able to get our schools ranked #1 in the nation; I can get us on track – we don’t have to settle (he went on with specifics of the poor economy); if he’s elected president he’ll get America working again and on track for a balanced the budget; the President hasn’t, I will; he’ll make sure to reform Medicare and Social Security to preserve it for the future – the President said he would and didn’t. Candy Crowley, the moderator, called to Romney to let him know his time was up and he went on – I’ll get our incomes up, I’ve done these things; I’ve served as a Governor and shown that I can do these things.
One of the things that Romney does that I don’t like is – he attacks every little thing and then expects not to be pushed back; he’s a whiner and a bully. He started attacking the President long before the President used Romney’s words against him. He takes credit for things he had no part in fixing and changes with the wind. I too believe we are God’s children but what he said here that bothers me – he said the same God which all people do not believe and this is a slap in their faces. He can tout his church work but this was in lieu of joining the military and fighting for the country and the people he says he cares about. You can’t care about 100% of the people and continue to give so much to 2%. He just proved he can’t do the math – he didn’t get 100% insured in his state if only 98% of the adults are insured. Over and over again he continues to make the everyday American look like a fool. And, I’m not sure Romney answered the question. 

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