October 3, 2012 Romney echoed his August 30 convention speech in which he said
the fifth step in his plan to creating 12 million new jobs was: “We will
champion small businesses, America’s engine of job growth, that means reducing
taxes on business not raising them, it means simplifying and modernizing the
regulations that hurt small business the most.” On
January 7 Romney said there are certain things the government can do to rebuild
an economy and improving our infrastructure is one of them but fundamentally
the government gets in the way of creating jobs…the President wants to turn us
into a European welfare state that takes from some to give to others and that
will kill our ability for a prosperous future…during Kennedy’s administration
(1961–1963) government was 27% of our cost and now it’s 37%; government needs
to be scaled back…let’s not forget that this is a free enterprise system and we
don’t need government coming in telling us how to make businesses work.
Gingrich in this debate said Romney’s tenure as CEO at Bain Capital – is a
story of greed, stripping American businesses of assets, selling everything to
the highest bidder, often killing jobs for big financial rewards…I’m not nearly
enamored with the Wall Street model where you can flip companies, have
leveraged buyouts, you can take out all the money leaving behind all the
workers. What Gingrich described was true capitalism which I’ll explain later.
approach to regulations in both his comments and budget plan would allow food
and drug companies to operate without concern for the people they serve and
companies creating or transporting hazardous chemicals, including oil and gas,
to operate without considering the neighborhoods they do business in. This
would put the burden of our safety on people like Erin Brockovich, Dr. Oz and
other consumer watchdog groups but his approach wouldn’t give them the
regulations they would need to stand on. Obama
has cut government jobs but Romney’s plan it seems to me could eliminate programs
added after September 1, 2001 that secure our freedom from terrorists after all
he did say on October 3 that in cutting
spending he’ll look at – is the program so critical it’s worth borrowing money
from China. Romney said improving our infrastructure would help yet the
Republicans blocked the September 2011 Jobs Act that would have created such
jobs. In regard to Europe, they took a different path than Obama (he used a
stimulus to try and get business back on track), they made cuts to programs and
government which is what Romney’s plan does.
Romney’s statement that Obama wants
to take from some to give to others is correct as he has continually tried to
eliminate the tax cuts on the rich to give to those less fortunate and protect
the middle class. Romney believes in doing the same thing but he’s taking from
the less fortunate in order to continue giving a lower percentage of tax to the
rich – this is probably the one thing that Romney has stood firm on and I hope his
attitude has not become that of our nation.
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