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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Comments After the Debate

On October 23, 2012 George Stephanopoulos when talking with Joe Biden said - One of Romney’s advisors said the statement about fewer bayonets and swords is not going to go down as one of the President’s finer moments – it was demeaning to the military and the mission abroad. Biden responded - what telling the truth that one aircraft carrier is more powerful than the entire Navy was back then; our Navy is superior to every other Navy in the world combined; it doesn’t rest on the number of ships – it rests on the total capacity; it’s clear that he (Romney) is not ready to be the Commander-in-Chief, he’s demonstrated his lack of sophistication about what’s going on in the world – his rapid change of positions; being President requires a clear vision and a steady hand and he (Romney) demonstrated that was lacking. George then spoke with Paul Ryan who of course disagreed with Biden and said – Americans for the third time got to see a man ready to become a great president – they got clear answers, a clear vision for foreign policy and a clear distinction on how we should go forward; what we got from the President was mostly attacks on Romney, no agenda on how we should move our country forward on foreign policy; he just defended his bad record; Ryan repeated what’s going on in the Middle East. George said he wasn’t surprised that Ryan thought Romney won the debate even though polls showed Obama had won. Ryan repeated himself on the reasons he thought Romney won. George said you pointed out the differences in the 2 men but most are saying Romney agreed with the President. Ryan said – we agree with getting Bin Laden, we agree with the 2014 transition from Afghanistan, we agree with the President’s decision to carry out the Bush administration’s drone strike policy, but we disagree on the handling of Iran and Russia, and the military cuts.
I don’t agree with what the Republicans have said here, I don’t agree that Romney established himself as a credible president as some are saying. For the life of me I don’t know why no one hears the contradictions and lies in Romney’s statements. On September 23 when Romney was asked why he was trailing he said “I think the President’s campaign has focused its advertising in many cases on very inaccurate portrayals of my positions…He’s trying to fool people into thinking I think things I don’t…and I think that ends during the debates”. Obama said he is for the middle class and will listen to both sides as long as it benefits them and he says ‘no’ to both sides when it doesn’t – this message has remained the same. Somehow the debates did benefit Romney and I do wonder if those voting for him are voting for Jekyll or Hyde. On October 25 the President in Nevada said Romney is counting on Americans forgetting what he’s said and called it Romnesia. It appears to be working.

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