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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ann Romney on Mitt & Pro-choice

On October 18, 2012 Ann Romney was on The View. Barbara Walters said - at one point when Mitt thought he wasn’t being heard he wasn’t sure he wanted to come on the show because – the women of The View are high risk and sharp tongued; Ann said–no he said smart and young–trying to excuse his comment. Ann said she’s pro-life and Mitt has always been even though when he ran for Governor he was pro-choice; when a bill came across his desk wanting to use embryos for research (stem cells) he couldn’t bring himself to do it; it was creating human life for experimentation. She said it’s a tender issue and we have different opinions and should respect each other. Ann said the issues 4 years ago are different from today; 95% of what she’s hearing is women asking for economic help-women have a choice between pro-life and economics. Ann also said she didn’t want to campaign again but felt her husband could bring economic help. Joy Behar asked if she thought abortions and contraceptives were an economic issue; Ann said for her to sit down with her husband and Joy said she’d love to. Ann said she was there to reflect on the character of the person she knows – he’ll make decisions based on what’s best for America and if you know where someone’s heart is you know what they’re going to do – Mitt has a good heart. Romney may have a good heart but that doesn’t mean he’ll make the best decision for Americans. Stem cells have been proven in the treatment of certain cancers, blood diseases such as leukemia, certain immune deficiency diseases, blindness, various heart diseases, and creating replacement windpipes. In October 2012 successful neural stem cell transplants for Pelizaeus-Merzbacher (a rare condition that impacts motor abilities, coordination and cognitive function) were performed and 3 of the 4 boys showed small but real improvements in motor function; new research suggests stem cell transplants could treat certain brain and nervous system diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s. On October 23 it was reported that an American, known as the Berlin Patient, was cured of HIV after getting stem cells in 2007 from a donor who was genetically resistant to the HIV virus. Another report said: Like bone marrow and umbilical cord tissue, a tooth's dental pulp contains Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and have the ability to turn themselves into different kinds of bodily tissue, from bone and cartilage to muscle and tendon; they hold the prospect of one day being able to help repair joints, heart valves and even damaged nerves; pre-clinical studies in the treatment of conditions such as complex bone fractures and cartilage repair using MSCs are well-advanced with human clinical trials next on the agenda. Doctors in the US and abroad are providing untested and unapproved stem cell therapies for ailments ranging from heart disease to emphysema to cerebral palsy because they feel politics is slowing them down. In light of this information I’ll give you a look at US politics on this issue. 

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