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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Ryan's Response to Republicans in the Way

Paul Ryan’s response to Joe Biden’s October 11, 2012 comments about the Republicans being in the way of the middle class was - they had 2 years to do what they wanted – they passed the stimulus (Ryan voted for it along with the Troubled Asset Relief Program that bought up mortgage backed securities; TARP was able to be created due to the October 2008 Emergency Economic Stabilization Act). Ryan said both Social Security (SS) and Medicare has to change for his generation and it needs to be the promise we made – he said the $6400 project cost to seniors is totally inaccurate NOW – not true anymore (so it was in their original plan but since the Democrats revealed the facts they changed it).
Biden brought up the Bush era pushing for privatizing SS (Romney/Ryan were for it) and said just think where people would be now if it had been – gone it the recession (lost because of Wall Street). Biden said he was there in 1983 when they made changes and the plan was to be solvent until 2033. Biden said they’re (Republicans are) holding the middle class tax cuts hostage for the tax cuts to the wealthy. (Hopefully you didn’t forget that SS and Medicare had a surplus when Clinton was president and the Bush cuts took the money so we didn’t have to borrow from China.)
Ryan said “This is what politicians do when they don’t have a record to run on – try and scare people from voting for you.” He went on to say that Medicare and SS did so much for his family that we’re (Republicans are) not going to jeopardize this program. I wonder how many people believe this – they’re not worried about the programs for themselves or their families – they have money to cover their butts. 
Ryan said – our entire premise is to build the economy and create jobs – he said there aren’t enough rich people and businesses to tax to pay for all their (Democrat) spending – Ryan said two-thirds of our jobs come from small businesses and Obama wants to raise their tax to 44.8%. He said if you tax those making over $250,000 at 100% it would only run the government for 98 days. If everybody doubled their taxes paid last year we’d still have a $300 billion deficit (IRS records showed millionaires paid zero taxes, if you multiplied this by 2, it is still zero). Ryan said there aren’t enough rich people to tax so watch out middle class the tax bill is coming to you and that’s why we need tax reform; 8 out of 10 businesses file their tax returns as individuals. There’s more on this.   

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