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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Reasons NOT 2 Vote 4 Obama

I agree with Republicans and believe: 
1.     Government should be a reversed Robin Hood – take from the poor and give to the rich (via cuts and tax breaks more than 10 million 2009 returns allowed those making $75,000 or more-1,470 with adjusted incomes of more than $1 million-to pay zero taxes-the same as those in poverty and the repeal of the Dodd-Frank Act that allowed Wall Street and bankers to take away retirements and homes)
2.     Businesses should continue to get tax breaks on jobs sent overseas and oil companies should continue to get subsidies (to do so unemployment should remain high and programs such as food stamps, Medicare and Social Security should be raided)
3.     Expenses on business should be reduced or eliminated to increase profits (no regulations to keep me safe, no laws to make them pay if I’m harmed, no giving to Social Security, Medicare or unemployment)
4.     I’m not entitled to a fair wage if I work hard, the company profits or the cost of living rises (I should stay in debt and not have an opportunity to achieve the American dream)
5.   We are not all created equal (no freedom of religion, no birth control, no abortions, no laws to prevent discrimination or harassment of non whites, women, sexual orientation, etc.) 
6.     People have a right to an unlimited number of weapons of all types to use where and when they want
7.     Millionaires and foreigners should influence our political system
8.     We should ignore our treaties with NATO, the UN and other world organizations (we’re ready for another war)
9.     Our oil and gas resources should be used up and leave nothing for the next generations
10.  The Constitution (We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity), Declaration of Independence (When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another) and Bill of Rights should all be ignored.   
If you listen to the media and campaign ads without checking the facts you know nothing and cannot learn from our past. Plato said: “The penalty that good men pay for not being interested in politics is to be governed by lesser men.”  

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