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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Small Business is Okay

On January 7 the first question in the debate was – We saw 200,000 jobs created last month and optimists say this is a sign of a turnaround, are you in line with this? Romney responded with – I am an optimist and hope to see good news…but it’s not because of President Obama; his policies have made the recession deeper and the recovery more tepid; from ObamaCare, Dodd-Frank, to a stimulus plan that wasn’t as well directed as it should have been, to a host of new regulations that have made it hard for small entrepreneurs and big business to invest in America. According to Romney, if something improves the President has nothing to do with it but if it falters it’s solely his fault. And, he continues to echo this message.  
I learned that historically about 50% of new businesses fail but could not find any information to support that failure was due to regulations. Last year ABC started their Made in America campaign which started companies changing the way they do business. On April 30 Global Foundries (GF) had chosen Malta, New York to make microchips; they said 17 schools were funneling in the workforce. GF said American brainpower and high tech machinery, the fact that Americans work faster and produce more than their world counterparts was the reason for returning to the US. Because of GF other Malta businesses were also thriving. Other small companies are also bringing their businesses back to the US; too bad the big ones don’t take a hint. On September 8 a Florida pizza joint owner was so happy to see Obama that he lifted him off the floor – this does not seem like an act of a disgruntled small businessman.
I already told you about the September 2012 CNN Money Report that said the stimulus plan made us, the taxpayers, money and the World Economic Global Competitiveness Index said it was the silver lining that stopped us from falling further in world competiveness. I’m convinced there is no one so big, so powerful, who can make change without a fight – Obama is fighting for the average American and he needs our help to continue.

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