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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Romney Truths

On August 28, 2012 New Jersey Governor Chris Christie said “We have a nominee who will tell us the truth, who will lead with conviction and now he has a running mate who will do the same…”
On August 29 Paul Ryan said he and Romney “will not duck the tough issues”. When Diane Sawyer talked to Ryan on August 30 she brought up the newly released September 3, 2012 Times article in which Mitt didn’t give any specific big cuts but said instead: “I know our Democrat friends would like to have me specify 1 or 2 so they could amass the special interest to fight that effort”. Ryan responded with “Mitt has said there would be a 5% cut in discretionary (government agency) spending”. When Diane asked specifically what there would be beyond government cuts, Ryan responded with “Mitt Romney has been more specific on what it’s going to take to prevent a debt crisis on solutions to get people back to work than anybody else running for president including the President himself”. Asked twice and not answered. I guess not answering is not ducking the issue or the same as not telling the truth. The first time we hear anything somewhat specific is the September 23 Romney interview with CBS’ 60 Minutes. 
Just 2 days after Christie’s speech Romney lied in his; I’ll give you that later. However, on April 2 and August 3 Romney said the President had raised taxes on the middle class - he did get around to telling a truth on September 26 when he said - the President “He’s got one new idea, I admit this, he has one thing he didn’t do in his first 4 years which he says he going to do in the next 4 years, which is to raise taxes.” Obama does want to raise taxes but only on those making $250,000 a year or more which is on only 2% of Americans. 

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