In regard to Romney’s comments on the video released
September 17, 2012: (1) it’s 46% not 47% of the population that isn’t paying
federal income taxes, (2) The percentage is not made up 100% of those receiving
entitlements; it includes upper middle class and millionaires and (3) Independent
voters are the key and they didn’t make a mistake – it’s because of them that
Obama’s fight with the Republicans have brought the issues to the foreground -
don’t be fooled this time.
The USA Today article also said: Len Burman, a tax policy
expert who has worked for the Treasury Department and the Congressional Budget
Office, said "over the last 30-40 years, there's been a shift toward
providing more and more public services through the tax system." Critics
argue the issue of fairness especially as President Obama and Democratic
members of Congress push for higher taxes on wealthier earners...a proposal
Republicans almost certainly will block. But as the debate on tax revenue
continues, the question of who pays — and who does not — is certain to keep
coming up.
September 18 Elisabeth Hasselbeck on the View said she’s not alone in saying by next July we could be celebrating Dependence
Day instead of Independence Day and Abraham Lincoln said: You cannot help the
poor by destroying the rich, you cannot further the brotherhood of man by
inciting class hatred, and you cannot build character and courage by taking
away people’s initiative and independence. Paul Ryan said “He was obviously
inarticulate making this point and the point we’re trying to make here is-under
the Obama economy government dependency is up and economic stagnation is up.”
The Romney campaign in an effort to fight off the video found a 14 year old
audio tape of State Senator Obama in 1998 speaking on how to make city
government more efficient – “I actually believe in redistribution at least at a
certain level to make sure that everybody’s got a shot.” Romney said “I think a
society based upon a government centered nation where government plays a larger
and larger role, redistributes money - that’s the wrong course for America.” The President on David Letterman said “My expectation is that if you want
to be President you gotta work for everybody not just for some.” My point
exactly; Lincoln did not mean that the system should be a reverse Robin Hood –
helping the rich by destroying the poor which is what the Reagan and Bush tax
cuts did; this approach is what incites class hatred. Open your ears and your
eyes – the Constitution and Lincoln’s words were meant for everyone not only the
rich – there is no fairness in those making millions and paying zero taxes, the
same as the 15% in poverty.
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