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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Romney's Care vs. ObamaCare

In Romney’s CBS 60 Minutes interview that aired September 23, 2012, Pelley said “You talk about balancing the budget without raising taxes. But to do that, you would have to have trillions of dollars in budget cuts. So let's be specific in this interview: what would you cut?” Romney: “The first big one is I'm not going to go forward with Obamacare. I will repeal Obamacare. It costs about $100 billion a year. Second big area is taking major government programs at the federal level, turning them back to the states, where they'll grow at the rate of inflation, not at a multiple of that rate. And that saves about $100 billion a year. And finally, I'll cut back on the size of government itself, as well as go after the fraud and abuse and inefficiency that's always part of a large institution like our government.”
Pelley “Does the government have a responsibility to provide health care to the 50 million Americans who don't have it today?” Romney “Well, we do provide care for people who don't have insurance, people-- we-- if someone has a heart attack, they don't sit in their apartment and die. We pick them up in an ambulance, and take them to the hospital, and give them care. And different states have different ways of providing for that care.” Pelley “That's the most expensive way to do it…In an emergency room.” Romney “Different, again, different states have different ways of doing that. Some provide that care through clinics. Some provide the care through emergency rooms. In my state, we found a solution that worked for my state. But I wouldn't take what we did in Massachusetts and say to Texas - You've got to take the Massachusetts model." Now let’s go back to September 7 when report found in one year $750 billion was lost in our health care system because of fraud and waste; ObamaCare is closing the holes in the system. Additionally back in February information by the Public Religion Research Institute showed 84% of Americans supported the use of birth control and insurance companies said it’s cheaper to pay for birth control than it is to pay for births. Also, to be considered is the elimination of 62% of the bankruptcies due to medical bills and the decrease in medical costs for preventive care versus emergency care. All of this debunks Romney’s claim that ObamaCare will cost taxpayers more. Because Romney's plan is to put the responsibility on the states some people may get nothing as the states are already in a financial bind.  

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