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Friday, September 28, 2012

Romney's Domestic Partnership Approach

On January 7, 2012 Romney said “Domestic partnership or contractual relationships can be addressed state by state” for Gays. During the debates the 1965 Supreme Court ruling in Griswold v Connecticut was brought up – the Court decided that states cannot prohibit the use of contraceptives (as it violated a person’s right to privacy which is protected by the Constitution). Romney said - that’s the law of the land and if we don’t like it we have the amendment process; we should have an amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman and he believes that decision along with Roe v Wade (1973) was decided incorrectly. Although a May 23 poll showed 53% of Americans support same-sex marriage, in his August 30 convention speech Romney said “As President I’ll protect the sanctity of life, I’ll honor the institution of marriage and I will guarantee America’s first liberty, the freedom of religion…America will uphold the constellation of rights that were endowed by our creator and codified in our Constitution.” When asked on September 19 (Univision forum) what his advice would be for any Gay relative who wanted to get married he said “My view is this, that individuals should be able to pursue a relationship of love and respect and be able to raise a family as they would choose” and preserve the term ‘marriage’ as between a man and a woman. 
Washington DC along with 8 states and 2 Native American Indian tribes (recognized as sovereign nations) have approved marriage equality; California’s law valid from June-November 2008 is again pending appeal but its domestic partnership law is still valid. In February 2012 New Jersey approved Gay marriage but Governor Christie vetoed it-said the people should vote on the issue; not a handful of politicians. Maine, Minnesota and Wisconsin will vote on the issue in November. In the US a marriage license from another country is accepted but under the law no state is required to recognize a Gay marriage of another state (Rhode Island and Hawaii do). The US is supposed to be a leader in human rights, however, world-wide information shows 11 countries already have legalized Gay marriage (many have Gay unions that offer most if not all the rights of marriage) and 24, including Cuba and Israel (recognizes Gay marriage) are considering marriage or unions while debates over other forms of recognition continue within several other countries.
The message that our Constitution is not being upheld seems lost on many Americans-to ensure freedom of religion and human rights in our country we must allow non-Christian religions and values to exist and prevent laws to the contrary.  

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