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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Our Borders & Illegal Immigration

The US borders are not just the responsibility of the states bordering other countries or the waters that lead to the USA. As the people entering the country travel to other states to take jobs, make bombs, deal drugs, etc., the responsibility for protecting our country belongs to all Americans. I hold no ill will toward people coming to this country, I just don’t think that those that can walk, swim or drive to our country should not have an unfair advantage over others.
I’ve heard one-third (1/3) of illegal immigrants are in the drug business. On November 1, 2011, Arizona authorities dismantled a smuggling ring that had been distributing about $33 million in drugs monthly through the state and on November 9, ABC News reported that the Arizona Senator who drafted the tough immigration law was recalled. On November 17, a major drug tunnel (400 yards) running from Tijuana to San Diego uncovered stash houses and 14 tons of marijuana was confiscated. We are having a war on our own soil that our government and apparently many people don’t want to recognize. But, our people are getting killed on their own property by drug cartel employees bringing drugs into the US.
We should not be supporting actions that are hypocritical to our efforts to reduce the use of drugs in this country. My following comment may sound harsh but it is a possible solution to the border problem. Consider placing ground sensors with alarms or bombs on our side of the border in order to eliminate the unlawful crossing of illegal immigrants. This should reduce the cost of border patrols and the death of US citizens living along the borders. Of course an interior fence would be needed to keep cattle, etc. from going into the fields from our side. Something like this would hopefully force entry and exit at Ports of Entry which may deter some drug trafficking and weapons movement. And just as a point of interest, it really irritated me that 70% of the guns seized in Mexico came from the US. Anyone supporting the drug cartels or any other business in another country that we as a people do not condone in our own country should have no second chances; it ruins our reputation and undermines our credibility. 
The 14th amendment passed by Congress in 1868 grants citizenship to persons born or naturalized in the US; it does not grant citizenship, therefore not US civil rights, to persons coming here illegally. As such, I believe children of illegal immigrants should be excluded from automatically becoming USA citizens. This does not deter us from allowing legal visitors who give birth on USA soil from having a USA baby if this is the way our people are treated when they legally enter another country and give birth. I do think that if illegal immigrants go to a hospital to deliver a baby that they be helped. However, the birth needs to be reported to Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the parties deported.
In Government Waste (Blog #15) I identified that $338.3 billion a year is spent on illegal immigrants. By reducing illegal immigrants there would be more job opportunities for our citizens and unemployment should go down. And, by promoting a requirement that those legally coming here to live must learn our language or have an interpreter paid by them, we should be able to reduce the money spent within our country for multilingual employees providing government services.
The Dream Act allows those illegal immigrants that came to this country as children and who have gone to college or joined the military to become citizens. Per the Immigration Policy Institute there are 66,000 people that have a bachelor’s degree or higher. I’m all for this as it’s not the children’s fault that they are here and it seems those that seek out college or the military are exactly what we want. I’m sure these accomplishments were achieved with tax payer dollars so we should get our monies worth. However, there should be no further support for illegal immigrants through amnesty programs as such is contrary to the term and subsequently is condoning an act that conflicts with established law. I also believe that anyone coming illegally to this country should not be going to school on our dime; this privilege should be reserved for our citizens only. It really ticked me off when I heard that school buses were going across the Mexican border to pick up kids that were born in the USA to illegal immigrants and I couldn’t get legal children just a little more than 2 miles away from the school to be picked up. 

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