On November 2, 2011 Herman Cain called the sexual harassment accusations – an appalling smear campaign. Cain continues to deny the allegations today. On November 4th, a Washington Post poll showed 55% of Republican voters said that the sexual harassment accusations against Herman Cain are not a serious matter, 69% said it doesn’t affect his support and 69% said they could change their mind; he’s raised $1.2 million since the allegations came out but has fallen behind Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich (2nd) in the race. On November 15th, Cain, in an interview, had a brain freeze when it came to Libya. Joy Behar said, after watching the interview, Cain doesn’t know about Libya and doesn’t know China has had nuclear weapons since the 60s and he wants his finger on the button – who’s voting for this guy. On November 18th, Good Morning American reported that after physical skirmishes at his rallies, Cain requested and received Secret Service protection and while in Florida Cain suggested that the Afghanistan Taliban is somehow involved in Libya.
On November 10th, Rick Perry stumbles (53 seconds of silence) during the Michigan debate when he couldn’t remember that he wants to disband the Department of Energy (along with Education and Commerce). Newt Gingrich said the administration has skipped all the smart ways to handle Iran and Mitt Romney says if we re-elect Obama, Iran will have a nuclear weapon and if we elect him (Mitt) they won’t have a nuclear weapon. Both Gingrich and Romney said they’re willing to go to war to keep Iran from getting nuclear weapons. Remember, that the UN said Iran has been working secretly for years to get them and are further along than anyone thought so it’ll be too late to stop them with an upcoming President. A Washington Post poll showed 33% of Republicans think Mitt Romney is the best candidate to beat Obama but only 24% support him. Because of a health care program he put in place in Massachusetts, 48% said they are less likely to back him; 22% thought Cain is honest and trustworthy and only 17% thought Romney was.
On November 13th, ABC News pointed out that during the Republican debate most of what the Republicans said that needed to be done with Iran is already being done and the President defends his position that water-boarding is torture. November 15th’s poll showed Obama would beat Romney 49% to 43%. On Good Morning America, Bill Maher said it’s his job to hold their (politicians) feet to the fire no matter what party. He also added – after watching all these Republican debates, I am ever more an enthusiastic supporter of Barack Obama.
On November 17th Newt Gingrich tops new GOP poll. On November 18th, I heard Gingrich say – I’ve been a very hard working business person. The ABC reporter called his efforts - Newt Inc., a sprawling political and media enterprise built around its founder. Newt Inc. includes: (2003) Center for Health Transformation (the Washington Post says Gingrich found gold in health reform earning $37 million from health care companies), Gingrich Group, Gingrich Communications, Gingrich Holdings, Gingrich Productions and the Gingrich Foundation. It was pointed out that the Health Transformation group advocates that most Americans buy health insurance – the same recommendation as in the President’s Health Care bill that’s getting a lot of flack. The Wall Street Journal says the Chamber of Commerce paid Gingrich as a consultant. Rick Klein, ABC Senior Washington Editor, says he’s trying to position himself as the outsider - he looks like the ultimate insider who went straight through a revolving door into a very lucrative lobbying career on the outside.
In the Iowa debate on November 19th, in regard to the Occupy Wall Street protesters Gingrich said “they take over a public park they didn’t pay for to go nearby to use bathroom they didn’t pay for; you need to reassert to them to go get a job right after they take a bath”. Apparently, Gingrich doesn’t understand that there are 9 million unemployed Americans because companies will not spend the money to hire even though they’re sitting on trillions of dollars and Congress won’t pass portions of the President’s Jobs Act to give them tax credits for hiring.
The latest Iowa poll for the Republican nomination shows a 4-way tie: Romney, Gingrich, Cain and Ron Paul. Romney was not in Iowa, he was in New Hampshire. I’m sure this had something to do with an earlier report that said he had spent $10 million on his last Iowa campaign trying to defeat McCain and still lost. It appears Perry is out of the race so I’ll start getting information on Ron Paul instead.
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