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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

2011 Foolish Medical Studies

There is a lot of talk about reducing government and we know Congress is not talking about eliminating themselves so the reduction would come from the low level federal employees. I think before eliminating employees, the government needs to look at where they put their grant money. Although I agree that we need more research in the medical field, here’s a few studies make me think we need to stop the foolishness and get down to the real medical problems.  
1.     Social, Psychological and Personality Science magazine published an article saying that a 4 year study of 169 newlywed couples shows marriages are more satisfying if the wife is thinner than the husband and when the man is more powerful in a benign way. It was noted that 94% of the couples were under age 35 and White.
2.     Per GMA, in a wide ranging study researchers are saying that for every 4 inches of height you have a greater chance of getting cancer. However, shorter people don’t have an advantage because taller people have better overall health.
3.     A Princeton University study of primates found it’s stressful at the top which goes against past findings that it got easier as you climbed the corporate ladder. The study also found that the lower level were stressed trying to hang on and middle management was the best place to be.
4.     Per Barbara Walters psychiatrists or psychologists are saying it’s okay to have sex with a baby sleeping in the bed if you can do it without noise. My Issues: baby may get hurt, baby won’t stay asleep and you may not get any sleep and the baby shouldn’t be old enough to wonder what you are doing. And, if you’re concerned for the baby, you’ll worry about him/her and the sex is no good.
5.     An article in the Journal of the American Medical Association written by Harvard Child Obesity expert Dr. David Ludwig says that obese kids should be taken away from their parents and put in foster care. What a ridiculous use of our tax dollars! In 2008 17% of our children were found to be obese up from 5% in 1974. I agree with Dr. Besser, demonizing parents is the wrong approach. Going after restaurants and junk food producers, schools that don’t have gym class and neighborhoods with only fast food are a better approach. Parents are part of the problem and I agree with Julie Chen that it would be better for doctors to help parents learn how to feed their kids. I believe this would also help determine if the cause is medical instead of poor eating habits like the Albuquerque girl. And there was a study that said kids in sports are more likely to take care of their bodies and not be overweight and have better self esteem. I really needed a study to tell me this.
6.     Per Whoopi, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine posted a billboard in Indiana with the web site  and a warning that hotdogs are as bad as cigarettes. Per Barbara, an American Institute for Cancer Research study says processed meat that has been smoked, cured, or preserved with certain chemicals such as nitrates – one serving per day can increase your risk of co-rectal (colon) cancer by 20%. I guess they never heard that Betty White eats hotdogs, French fries and red licorice and Rita Moreno says she eats all the greasy food she can get. And I’ve heard many people living to be 100 say they smoked, drank and had no special diets. I remember when it was said that the egg was harmful; now it’s the potato that is the worst food to eat and there’s a study saying potato chips are causing cancer. With all the foods they say are bad for you it’s no wonder that anorexia and bulimia occur in some which also isn’t healthy. We need to get back to ‘everything in moderation’.
7.     Psychology Today apologized for printing an article saying Black women are not pretty when most Black women feel they are. We all know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some like fat, some like skinny, some like the blond blue eyed, etc. We need to stop listening to foolish rhetoric by supposedly intelligent people. Pay attention, these people fight with each other constantly over diets, economics, etc. They have no more scientific data than you do. By the way, because of the uproar, the writer was fired. I guess freedom of speech doesn’t always work.
8.     Researchers at Indiana University say that women are just about as likely to cheat as men. Men do it for sex and women do it because they’re unhappy in their relationship or their beliefs are different than their partners. I thought this was interesting because I it made sense that they be cheating with each other.  
There will be no blog tomorrow, January 18, in solidarity of the groups against the Stop Online Privacy Act - HR 3261 that is described by Stephen Colbert as “The worst proposed internet law in American history”, Wikipedia calls the bill an “Internet Blacklist Bill” and Nancy Pelosi says – they (Congress) need to do something but this is not it.   

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