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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Ryan's Rant re: Obama Business Comment

On July 17, 2012 the Business Insider said: Paul Ryan went on an epic rant over Obama's comment about business. The Wisconsin Republican …absolutely tore into the president in a chat I (James Pethokoukis, American Enterprise Institute) had with him earlier today. Among the highlights:
“Every now and then, President Obama pierces the veil. He’s usually pretty coy about his ideology, but he lets the veil slip from time to time.” … His straw man argument is this ridiculous caricature where he’s trying to say if you want any security in life, you stick with me. If you go with these Republicans, they’re going to feed you to the wolves because they believe in some Hobbesian state of nature, and it’s one or the other which is complete bunk, absolutely ridiculous. But it seems to be the only way he thinks he can make his case. He’s deluded himself into thinking that his so-called enemies are these crazy individualists who believe in some dog-eat-dog society when what he’s really doing is basically attacking people like entrepreneurs and stacking up a list of scapegoats to blame for his failures.” “The idea that these entrepreneurs owe all their success to some government bureaucrat or some centralized planner just defies reality.” How does building roads and bridges justify Obamacare? If you like the GI Bill therefore we must go along with socialized medicine. It’s a strange leap that he takes. … To me it’s the laziest form of a debate to affix views to your opponent that they do not have so you can demonize them and defeat them and win the debate by default. His comments seem to derive from a naive vision of a government-centered society and a government-directed economy. It stems from an idea that the nucleus of society and the economy is government not the people. … It is antithetical to the American idea. “We believe in free communities and this is a statist attack on free communities.” “As all of his big government spending programs fail to restore jobs and growth, he seems to be retreating into a statist vision of government direction and control of a free society that looks backward to the failed ideologies of the 20th century.” I think he believes America was on the right path until Reagan came along and Reagan got us going in the wrong direction. And, “He wants to be as transformational as Reagan by undoing the entire Reagan revolution.”… I think he sees himself as bringing about this wave of progressivism, and the only thing stopping him are these meddling conservatives who believe in these founding principles so he has to caricature them in the ugliest light possible to win the argument. This is not a Bill Clinton Democrat. He’s got this very government-centric, old 20th century collectivist philosophy which negates the American experiment which is people living in communities, supporting one another, having government stick to its limits so it can do its job really well …“Those of us who are conservative believe in government, we just believe government has limits. We want government to do what it does well and respect its limits so civil society and families can flourish on their own and do well and achieve their potential.”
I watched the 42:25 July 13 YouTube-SolelyByRequest video on Obama’s speech in Roanoke, Virginia to hear for myself what was said. About 32 minutes into the video the President said – The government can’t solve every problem. If people don’t want to be helped you can’t always help them. (33:40) If you’ve been successful you didn’t get there on your own (34:00)…if you were successful somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges, if somebody’s got a business you didn’t build that…Somebody else made that happen. The internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the internet so that all the companies could make money off the internet. The point is when we succeed it’s because of our own individual initiative and because we do things together. There’s some things like fighting fires that we don’t do on our own. …So we say to ourselves ever since the founding of this country, you know what, there are just some things we do better together…That’s how we funded the GI bill, that’s how we created the middle class, that’s how we built the Golden Gate Bridge and the Hoover Dam, that’s how we invented the internet, that’s how we sent a man to the moon. We rise or fall together as one nation and as one people… (35:30) Your not on your own, we’re in this together… (35:50) How do we help working class people, strivers, doers – how do we help them succeed, how do we make sure their hard work pays off. (end: 36 minutes)
The President said he was taken out of context. On May 15, I heard the President say JPMorgan is one of the better managed banks but even if you’re smart you can make mistakes which is why they passed Wall Street Reform – banks are insured by the taxpayers and we don’t want them taking risks so they have to be bailed out again – if we get the rules that were proposed/passed by Congress implemented it shouldn’t happen again – there are still those fighting it; he feels our banks should invest in small businesses and homeowners and not risky investment deals. This doesn’t sound like a man who has no respect for business. You should listen to the video yourself as I tend to agree with him. In my opinion, no one makes it in business alone – they have employees, customers, and even more people that support them; the government does give grants and do research. I’ll tell you about the Reagan versus Clinton record tomorrow after I go into Republican John Sununu’s comments. 

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