What people don’t seem to know is that most Gays and Transgenders struggle with their own identity. Their acceptance of themselves is just as difficult as your acceptance of them. Some Transgenders know at an early age that they are in the wrong body (Ohio’s Jack/Jackie) while it takes others struggling for years to figure it out (Chaz Bono). There is nothing in the bible that references Transgenders. And, fortunately for them, conjoined twins and others there are operations that can correct their birth burden.
Gays often feel pain and disappointment when they figure out that being Gay is their lifestyle. They struggle with how to tell the people they love (parents and friends). There’s a constant voice inside them saying - if I don’t tell, they (family and friends) and I will never experience the life that is supposed to come. When they get up the nerve to tell, they’ll devise a plan and say it out loud. Some are lucky as they are accepted. Many are disowned; they’re left to wonder if opening up was worth it. Some have to put up with their parents’ continual hope of meeting a nice man or woman while some family and friends understand that they are the same person as before the discovery and disclosure and let them live their lives. During their careers it is usually necessary to keep their being Gay generally quiet, only telling those that ask or are completely trusted which are few and far between. And, even after years of working with or knowing someone and considering him/her a good friend doesn’t mean that the person will continue to talk with them after finding out he/she is Gay. With this said, people need to know an individual and ask if they like the person (character) the child has become before determining whether or not said person should be in his or her life. Anything other than the Gay person’s behavior should not be used in making this decision as any other preconceived notion would be a violation of the 9th commandment.
Former New York Giant football player David Tyree said - Gays should not be married or raise children or it will lead to anarchy in the US. Elisabeth Hasselbeck on the View said that this man has committed the last 7 years of his life to serving God and that he doesn’t hate anyone and believes everyone is created by God. Mr. Tyree and I at least agree that everyone is created by God. However, my belief allows love and acceptance and his does not.
Mr. Tyree also said you can’t teach what you do not know. I want to know how many Gay parents he knows that have failed in raising an average child in order to support his conclusion. If there is no such support then he has definitely violated the 9th commandment. Apparently Mr. Tyree doesn’t know that Gays come from straight parents and they all have their life experiences to guide them. Most will teach the good things they learned and avoid any abuse that they experienced or saw by straight parents. Perhaps Mr. Tyree hasn’t heard that 61% of the children under age 5 are killed by their parents and that welfare, adoption and foster programs are due to straight not Gay parents. I also think that Mr. Tyree doesn’t understand that his statement would also include single parents and implies that a woman can’t teach a boy to be a good man and a man can’t teach his daughter to be a responsible woman. His comment also means that those with disabilities cannot teach their child to walk, to read, to touch or not touch, and other functions impaired by their own disability. It’s been said that it takes a village to raise a child. I’m pretty sure that all single, disabled and Gay parents have other people in their lives and a good parent Gay or straight will want the best for their children.
Mr. Tyree also doesn’t seem to understand that Gay people can live together for 25+ years and when their partners are ill they are not allowed to provide medical decisions that affect their partners. And should their partners die they have no legal claim to the household they shared. I have seen families that have disowned their child show up to clean out the house and leave the partner with little or nothing. Call it marriage or civil union but understand that Gays just want the legal privileges that come with marriage. If people cannot understand this then they do not believe in the Constitution of the United States which states all men are created equal. I think all our differences are to get us to have the discussions that lead to a true belief in a single higher power of good no matter what it’s called by. I also believe that it is the ultimate test of humanity; the test that allows God to determine if we truly know the difference between goodness and evil. If the Lord proposes good and love is good than 2 people no matter what gender should be allowed to be together.
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