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Monday, July 16, 2012

Antibiotic Use

December 29, 2011 I heard that the genetically engineered corn plant is now becoming vulnerable to bugs. On January 5, 2012 the US was restricting more antibiotics for livestock citing drug resistance. March 17 the World Health Organization (WHO) put out a warning that bacteria is growing stronger and because we’ve over used current antibiotics we may not have an antibiotic to treat the mutated bacteria. Dr. Margaret Chan, Head of WHO, said “The world is entering an antibiotic crisis which could make a routine operation impossible and a simple scratched knee potentially fatal.”  Dr. Besser said the crisis is very real, “We’re seeing more and more infections when we’re down to the last drug, the last drug between you and a deadly infection”. Dr. Besser also said “when you go to the doctor don’t ask for an antibiotic because you’ll probably get it even if you don’t need it; ask what else you can do to feel better.” He also said that the pharmaceutical companies aren’t making new antibiotics because there’s no money in something you take once in a while.
On July 11 ABC reported that chickens are fed antibiotics from the time they’re hatched until the time they’re killed. Dr. Besser said the CDC has been concerned for a long time about giving antibiotics to the animals we eat. Although the chicken industry refuses to believe that researchers have found the same strain of e-coli in chickens now in people, doctors have shown the antibiotics given to chickens are causing a dangerous e-coli which causes bladder infections in women. The infection reoccurs as it can’t be treated with a single antibiotic and the right combination is needed. Wash your chicken and hands good.    
Other blogs containing information on antibiotics are my November 20, 2011 - Congress and the President and May 21, 2012 - Get A Clue. 

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