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Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Republican Beast

On May 24, 2012 Republican Joe Scarborough was on the View and said he doesn’t like Romney (he liked Huntsman) - he could find an issue of Romney’s that he does like but doesn’t know where he’ll stand tomorrow; he also said the only thing the Republican Party is trying to do is get back in power and that we need someone who talks about the future not the past – I think he has a point. 
Let’s look at our leaders starting with the Reagan Republican Presidency (81-89). From 1981-87 the House had a Democratic majority and the Senate was controlled by the Republicans. From 1987-89 both the House and Senate were controlled by the Democrats (last 2 years of Reagan). During the 4 years of George HW Bush’s term (89-93) both the House and Senate were controlled by the Democrats. From 1993-95 both the House and Senate were controlled by the Democrats (first 2 years of Bill Clinton’s 93-01 Democratic Presidency). From 1995-2001 both the House and Senate were controlled by the Republicans; we had a government shutdown (1995-1996) and they tied his hands on many issues. During George W. Bush’s Republican Presidency (01-09) we had a Democratic Senate and Republican House for his first 2 years (01-03) and then both the House and Senate were controlled by the Republicans from 2003-07; the Middle East wars were raging and the economy began to fall. From 2007–11 both the House and Senate were controlled by the Democrats (last 2 years of Bush and the first 2 years of Obama’s Democratic Presidency). From 2011–13 we have a Republican House and Democratic Senate; we had a budget fiasco last year and we’re probably due for the same thing this year.  
A Republican has been in office for 20 years of the last 32; they always tout the politics of Reagan but none of it could’ve occurred without the cooperation of the Democrats. During the 2 Democratic presidencies because of the Republican’s strength in Congress we had a government shutdown and a drop in our credit rating because of a near miss in meeting the budget deadline.  
Over and over again we’ve heard about the money the Republicans are putting into the campaign and we heard it again to May 19 so I believe Scarborough is right in saying they only want to get back into power. Trump can say he backs Romney now but he can’t say when there were more in the race that he always backed him; in fact he considered running himself. On May 25 Trump was asked if he would consider holding the Vice Presidency or any post if Romney offered and he said he would. Whoopi pointed out that if he were in any office he’d have to tone down (talked about his Twitter feud with Cher); Barbara pointed out (and he agreed) that he doesn’t turn the other cheek and he says get even – fire them; Joy pointed out that those in office shouldn’t make personal attacks on people. Romney wasn’t good enough when he first ran for the presidency and he’s not good enough now.
On May 13 it was said that 1.8 students would graduate this year and 94% will have outstanding loans and 3 in 10 would be moving home to live with their parents. A week prior to this Romney told students to shop around for cheaper (tuition) rates and on this date he’s agreeing that loan rates shouldn’t be increased; according to a recent study 93% of parents are providing their students with some form assistance (loans, car payments or rent). On May 24 Romney said American students are getting a third-world education and proposed a voucher style program; he says it’s the civil rights issue of our era. I want to know who will monitor his system to ensure a better education and no fraud is created. I also want to know why the Republicans are holding the student interest rates as hostage for extending the Bush-era tax cuts to the rich.
On May 22 a Washington Post poll showed 16% of Americans said their finances have improved while 30% said they’ve gotten worse since Obama; Newark, New Jersey Mayor Corey Booker didn’t help – on Meet the Press he said he didn’t like the continued campaign against Romney’s work at Bain Capital and now he’s angry because the GOP is using his words against Obama. I agree with the President that working in private industry is not the same as working in federal politics (Romney has never held a federal position).
If something happened to our world I would need hunters/butchers, farmers, canners, textile workers and others associated with clothes manufacturing, cobblers, general practitioner doctors and surgeons, antibiotics and other drugs, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, teachers, barbers, and more. I won’t need Wall Street, hell I’d rather have a toilet paper maker before a stock trader, speculator, or financial advisor and I won’t need greedy oil tycoons. In early May a Republican said risk takers and investors are worth more and are needed. I don’t think the rich are worth more than the everyday people who put in a real day’s work (at a low pay and without health insurance) to make them rich. I again say that if you really want change Obama needs to be re-elected. I also think the Republicans need to be booted out of Congress to prove the point that we are fed up with things the way they’ve been. If this would happen Obama would have a chance to implement the changes necessary to give people jobs, health care and education. I believe that all of these, not just an education as Romney has said, are human rights issues along with others that the Republicans don’t support.     

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