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Friday, December 2, 2011

The Ten Commandments

Some Republican supporters say we need a Christian President. Let’s talk about the age old question of whether or not there is a God as I hear that a majority of the population says it has a religion. First, I must say that the small percentage of the population without a religion is not all Atheists. Many are just non believers of organized religion who are tired of seeing wrongdoers (thieves, liars, rapists, murderers, adulterers, and others) in their religious domicile.
In reading the Family Devotional Bible printed in 1954 which includes both the Old and New Testaments, I see that throughout history God has created various tests to determine if people are truly faithful. What I get from Genesis: Chapter 1, verse 27, on the 6th day - God created man both male and female in his own image. In verse 28 – God blessed them and said be fruitful and multiply, replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth. Chapter 2 talks about the creation of the Garden of Eden as well as Adam and Eve. Now they would have had it pretty good had they not eaten from the tree of knowledge on good and evil but they did. They were removed from Eden and had to toil like the others created before them. In Chapter 6, verses 5 & 6 – God saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth. It repented and grieved the Lord that he had made man. God’s anger led to Noah and his family being the only survivors of the floods and again in Chapter 9, verse 1 he says to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. In Chapter 11 God decides to confound our language and scatters us abroad the face of all the earth. Life went on and God’s plan of redemption for all mankind is in Exodus with Moses and the Ten Commandments. There were no written instructions before this time and throughout the bible there are passages that further support the Commandments. 
I’m assuming that every religion we know today began with the Ten Commandments or something like them. I chose to use the Commandments as a guide toward the greater good and consider God to mean ‘Good’. An Atheist by definition is a non believer in a God. For those that are Atheists and do not believe in a higher being, I ask that you consider the concept that the Commandments are a handbook for living a good life.  
Beginning with tomorrow’s message I’ll talk about the Commandments and how I think the US is in compliance. 

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